Friday, February 7, 2025

A Brainful of Spoon

Recent studies have found evidence that we all have plastic in our brains - as much plastic as in an ordinary plastic spoon, in microscopic deposits. It seems that nanoplastics can penetrate the blood-brain barrier quite easily. 

How do we get the plastic out again? I'm guessing we never do.

What is it doing to us? I suspect we won't know for decades, if ever. But I'm sure it's nothing good. 

But it bothers me. I can't shake the thought of a plastic spoon buried in my brain. I know it's not literally a spoon, but it bothers the hell out of me nonetheless.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Response to a Democratic Supporter

Eventually you'll realize that you've been played. The Democrats aren't the progressive party they were in the 1930s and 40s; they sold out to the oligarchs long ago. They're NOT "failing" to represent the people; they're doing exactly what they intend to do. Which is to lose. Lose elections, or lose legislative battles. Haven't you noticed that when they're in the majority they're helpless, and the Republican minority blocks everything the Democrats claim to support? They meekly bow to the parliamentarian, or to whichever right-wing Senators are playing the bad guy role that week. The most they'll do is pass weak-tea Republican policies such as RomneyCare. And when the Dems are in the minority, they're HELPLESS - except when it comes to begging us all for money and stabbing progressive candidates in the back. 

They don't even pretend to try to keep their promises any more. Student debt forgiveness? Intentionally undermined by using an approach that experts warned in advance wouldn't make it past the Supreme Court. A $2000 check for every American? They didn't even offer an excuse for that one. Ditto for the public option; Biden promised it, and then never mentioned it again after the election.

Their job is to keep people like you constantly trying to kick that football, even though they pull it away EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. They occupy the left/populist spot on the political spectrum to co-opt any real populist left movement, but their policies are cosmetic at best and always right-wing. They discredit the whole concept of leftism by pretending that it's purely a matter of identity politics carried to extremes, and spitting contempt at the vast majority of the American people who are dying under the boots of the health insurance "industry", the oligarchs, and inflation. 

That's why people voted for Trump. Believe it or not, they're smarter than you think; when offered a choice between hypocritical fascists who support the status quo and a fascist who at least acknowledged that the people are being screwed (even though he's just going to make it worse), they chose the option that recognized that there was a problem.

Stop playing the game. Recognize that we're being slowly exterminated by the upper class. We had it better under King George the Third. The political parties will NEVER allow a solution, because THEY'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM. It's time to work towards overthrowing this murder-suicide of a political system. A better world is possible, but no politician is going to hand it to us on a silver platter. We have to make it happen for ourselves.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024


I'm VERY dubious about the ceasefire that #GenocideJoe announced today between Israel and Hezbollah - or is it Israel and Lebanon?

The terms seem to be entirely in Israel's favor. It could be that the government of Lebanon just sold out Hezbollah under pressure from the US. Or Biden could be lying again; he's certainly done that before.

It's hard to imagine that Hezbollah would just give in, abandoning not only the people of Gaza but their own people as well. I'm hoping they don't go along. Israel MUST be abolished. Genocide must be punished!

Monday, September 16, 2024

An idea that might work?

It seems to me that the biggest problem that Jill Stein's campaign faces is the near-absolute blackout imposed by the Democratic Party and the mainstream media. Most people have no idea that's she's even running

If voters knew there was a candidate standing for universal health care, housing, peace, a $25 minimum wage, getting corporate money out of politics, and canceling all student debt, I suspect she'd win. But the Democrats and the oligarchs are absolutely desperate to make sure that nobody even knows she exists. 

Here's a thought: what if every Jill Stein supporter printed out five or 10 (or more) Stein/Ware 2024 flyers? Standard letter size, with just a few bullet points for her primary positions. For those who only have access to black and white printing, maybe add a dash of green with a crayon or marker. Then everyone puts them up around town, across America, all on the same day. The media would still ignore it, probably, but people would see. At least some of them would. It just might be a way around the media blackout.


Postscript: I've written to the Stein/Ware campaign but only got a canned response. But it seems to be such an obvious move! The Democrats and Republicans have the advantage of money and the media, but they're scared; if we can get the word out, voters will go Green. Printing fliers is cheap. It's a decentralized project. We can post them on telephone poles and other public places. If we all did it on a single day, the impact could be considerable.

In the meantime I'm thinking about what the fliers might say. How about "Stein/Ware 2024", with "Healthcare for All", "$25 minimum wage", and "PEACE"? With a link to her webpage at the bottom? I'll work something up and post it here soon.