Monday, September 16, 2024

An idea that might work?

It seems to me that the biggest problem that Jill Stein's campaign faces is the near-absolute blackout imposed by the Democratic Party and the mainstream media. Most people have no idea that's she's even running

If voters knew there was a candidate standing for universal health care, housing, peace, a $25 minimum wage, getting corporate money out of politics, and canceling all student debt, I suspect she'd win. But the Democrats and the oligarchs are absolutely desperate to make sure that nobody even knows she exists. 

Here's a thought: what if every Jill Stein supporter printed out five or 10 (or more) Stein/Ware 2024 flyers? Standard letter size, with just a few bullet points for her primary positions. For those who only have access to black and white printing, maybe add a dash of green with a crayon or marker. Then everyone puts them up around town, across America, all on the same day. The media would still ignore it, probably, but people would see. At least some of them would. It just might be a way around the media blackout.


Postscript: I've written to the Stein/Ware campaign but only got a canned response. But it seems to be such an obvious move! The Democrats and Republicans have the advantage of money and the media, but they're scared; if we can get the word out, voters will go Green. Printing fliers is cheap. It's a decentralized project. We can post them on telephone poles and other public places. If we all did it on a single day, the impact could be considerable.

In the meantime I'm thinking about what the fliers might say. How about "Stein/Ware 2024", with "Healthcare for All", "$25 minimum wage", and "PEACE"? With a link to her webpage at the bottom? I'll work something up and post it here soon.