Sunday, December 30, 2018


Let's talk goals. Here's what I recall so far:
  • Climate change action on a national/global scale (Green New Deal/fossil fuel ban/conversion to renewable energy)
  • End wars/military actions
  • Medicare/health care for all
  • Jobs guarantee and/or guaranteed basic income
  • Free education (including college and graduate school)
  • Abolition of private prisons
  • Money out of politics
  • Mandatory accountability/transparency for all US police forces, demilitarization of police, independent third-party investigations of all police shootings
  • Increase of minimum wage to a living wage, pegged to inflation AND studies to determine new living wage standards
  • Guaranteed affordable or free housing for all
  • Crash project to provide safe, clean water for all Americans
  • Immediate suspension of all fossil fuel pipeline projects
  • Equal Federal funding for all public schools
  • Reinstatement of right to organize/unionize nationwide

Some other possibilities:
  • Free daycare
  • Right to privacy
  • National legalization of marijuana
  • Nationwide project to modernize electric grid
  • Nationwide project to provide affordable or free public transportation, restoration of light inter-city rail
  • Reinstatement of Eisenhower-era tax brackets and rates (91% on top tier)
  • Abolition of tax loopholes for the rich
  • Elimination of protected status for inherited wealth, restoration of inheritance taxes
  • LGBTQ rights
  • Revocation of privatized water, parking, and other state/municipal/federal projects.
  • Crash program of infrastructure repair.
  • Breakup/nationalization of all "to big to fail" banks.
  • Rigorous anti-monopoly enforcement.
  • Nationalization of Facebook, Amazon, and Google.
  • Rural internetification (broadband) program
  • Reinstatement of Glass-Steagal
  • Nationalization/globalization of the internet

Please add any others as comments to this post.