Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The State of Things To Come

Don't despair. By adopting a corporate platform and dutifully serving the oligarchs (along with their colleagues, the Republicans), the DNC is unintentionally helping to produce the conditions for a revolution that will end up destroying them - and, with luck, saving the human race.

You've probably heard me say this before, but unemployment is at the highest level since the Great Depression - and with the continuing surge of Covid-19, it's only going to go up. At the same time, Congress (with the compliance of the Democrats) is going to cut unemployment benefits by at least $800 to $1,000 per month. And 28 million Americans at least are in the process of being evicted from their homes, or will be in the next two or three months. That will increase the unemployment rate still further.

If children are forced back into school next month (and it seems likely that they will be, in most states), Covid-19 rates take another major surge - not only among children, but in their families, their working parents, and those parents' co-workers.

So: in the next few months tens of millions of Americans will be desperate, homeless, and on the streets - men, women, and children. We already have huge numbers of protesters on the streets, all over the country. Trump is taking EXACTLY the wrong approach to the protests - with secret police and open police brutality, he's throwing gasoline on the fire. And the Democrats in Congress are helping him by constantly voting to give him all the funds he wants, and more.

Can you imagine any way that this DOESN'T turn into a massive, nationwide protest, shutdown, general strike, or revolution? There's no way that the establishment can survive this, I believe.

So hang on. Change is coming. It won't be easy, but at least it will offer the human race a chance for survival. And maybe, even, a better world.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Our Revolution Sells Out

I've been suspicious of Our Revolution from the first. Any organization that springs into existence and seems well-funded strikes me as likely to be a sheepherdering group - in other words, fauxgressives, designed to sucker leftists into dead ends for the DNC.
Today, I got an email that confirmed my suspicions.
According to the email, the majority of their member support Elizabeth Warren to be Biden's vice President. Elizabeth Warren. The candidate who stabbed all progressives in the back not once, but twice.
Any so-called "progressive" or "revolutionary" organization that supports candidates like Biden or Warren (no matter how much they claim that they can supposedly move those candidates to the left) is just another mouthpiece for the DNC and the oligarchs behind them.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Response to a neoliberal:

You don't understand democracy, it seems. No candidate has a right to our votes. They have to earn them. If they fail to earn them, that's on them - not us.

And Biden is actually worse than Trump, which takes some doing. He's more of a warmonger; he voted for every war he could in the Senate, and he has made it clear that he will attack Venezuela and Syria as soon as possible. He has also blatantly given Israel a green light for the genocide of the Palestinians.

Biden's Credit bill made student loan debt inescapable, and put millions of American families into financial ruin. But then, that's what his corporate donors wanted.

Biden's crime bill made slaves out of millions of poor, black, and brown Americans in for-profit private prisons. And the corporations that run those prisons have rewarded him with millions in campaign donations. But I guess that doesn't bother you.

Biden has gotten the best free health care for over 50 years now, paid for with our tax dollars. But he proudly asserts, in the middle of a pandemic no less, that he will veto Medicare for all. He is condemning millions of American men, women, and children to sickness and death. But apparently that's okay with you, too.

Lastly, Joe Biden's fossil-fuel friendly climate policy will render this planet uninhabitable. It will literally kill off the human race. So will Trump's, but if you want to tell me that one version of extinction is better than another, good luck with that.

They are both rapists, they both have dementia, and they both work for the same oligarchs who are killing off humanity. You work for them too, since you are pushing their little lesser-of-two-evils game. But more and more people are seeing every day that if we want to survive, we only have one option - and it isn't playing the oligarchy's political game.

We need to take to the streets. If we want to survive, there must be a revolution.