But they can't. These fortunes are founded on robbery and crimes on an unimaginable scale. How many lives has each billionaire ruined by sucking wealth upwards from the working class? How many lives have been blighted by loss of funds to education, special needs, the arts, and the sciences?
How many people have killed themselves due to debts and depression from living in a society that is being squeezed to death for every last penny?
How many people have developed cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other "diseases of the poor" due to the pollution that we are all forced to breathe, eat, and drink so that these psychotic billionaires can continue to amass more and more?
The dead can never be made whole. Neither can children with lead poisoning. Or any of the other millions of victims of these monsters.
It's not a matter of them starting to pay their "fair share", although even that is something that the elite would die rather than allow. It's reparations for mass murder and torture. It's making a planet whole that they have set on fire with their unbounded greed.
There is no way that they can repay what they have stolen. There is no punishment severe enough to somehow balance their crimes. They cannot make right the wrongs that they've done. Even death and the death of their families, along with complete confiscation of everything they all have, wouldn't come close.
You can't repay one single baby for a nervous system that suffers from lead contamination. It can't be done.
The only possible action for a just people is that the oligarchs and their servants in politics and the media - all of them - should lose everything of material value that they have, and spend the rest of their lives as the poorest people on Earth. But still with food and shelter; because we aren't like them.
Let them spend the rest of their lives working to try to restore the Earth, and make good a fraction of the damage that they've done.