Here's a thought: Kevin McCarthy is now offering to allow a recall vote (effectively a no-confidence vote) if as few as one member of the House calls for it. Does that mean that a single Democrat could force such a vote, too?
I suspect that may be the case, as I'm not at all sure that House rules can be restricted to members of a single party only. If so, McCarthy is handing the Dems the ability to shut down the House at any time.
Of course we all know that the Democrats would never, ever DO such a thing. Their billionaire donors wouldn't like that. The Democrats exist solely to provide the illusion of two sides to the American Uniparty. But if I may venture into the realm of science fiction for a moment, just imagine what a real opposition party could do with a rule like that! McCarthy can't make the no-confidence vote something that can be automatically dismissed or easily ignored, because that could be used against the Republican holdouts and they wouldn't stand for that.
Handing every single opposition member the opportunity to force the Speaker to stop other business and deal with potentially embarrassing no-confidence votes could paralyze the House. It will never happen, of course (except if the Republican holdouts do it), but isn't it an interesting thought? If only we lived in a real democracy!