Sunday, March 31, 2024

Israel's stalling game

As the grandson of four child survivors of a a genocide which is still denied by the descendants of the perpetrators, I can testify to the truth of this: nobody cares. Our land and homes remain stolen. The one and a half million men, women, and children dead remain unrecognized. Pundits and elites roll their eyes and say "get over it, already!".

For a little extra irony, Israel itself continues to refuse to recognize the historicity of that genocide, even though the International Association of Genocide Scholars has recognized it for over half a century. The government of the United States waited over a hundred years before recognizing the genocide. Prestigious American schools including many of the Ivy League have accepted millions of dollars from the government descended from the perpetrators to endow chairs that can only be filled by professors who deny the genocide.

Our people are dispersed throughout the world. In the decades following the genocide, some of us took what reprisals we could, assassinating some of those who'd given and carried out the orders. For a while, the activist organization of my people were the most feared terrorists in the world. But that was long ago. The last of the survivors died in the last ten or twenty years. And that's where things stand. There will never be an admission of guilt, never be any reparations. Which is exactly what Israel AND THE US plan for the Palestinians.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

A response to a Vote Blue No Matter Who "leftist"

Refusing to support genocide is neither vote shaming nor purity testing. You put a lot of links in your post, but most of them seem to come from the mainstream left such as PBS and Robert Reich. I don't consider such sources particularly credible.

That said, you're not going to convince me that the genocide of Gaza is in any way a "lesser" evil. Genocide can only be the greatest evil. So unless you can prove that that Joe Biden isn't complicit in genocide, you aren't going to convince me to support him.

Of course, there's a lot more that Joe Biden has done that renders him absolutely unacceptable to any person with a conscience. Luckily I don't have to support either one of the major party candidates, since Jill Stein is running in my state.

Lesser evil voting only works on behalf of the lesser evil, and in this case that's Trump. It also requires that we accept the notion that voting for the lesser evil won't end up contributing to increasing the evil of the entire system, which is exactly what has been going on for decades.

Clearly you have bought into the DNC's assumptions about Trump being the ultimate evil and genocide somehow being a price worth paying to save us from Trump. I don't agree. To be honest, I don't see how anyone could agree.

I'll point out that the DNC ALWAYS portrays the Republican presidential candidate as the ultimate evil, the newest incarnation of Hitler. Trump was a shitty President, but he wasn't Hitler. We survived him. The children of Gaza are not surviving Biden.

That said, it's incredibly naive to believe that a political solution is possible for America any more. The blatant rigging of the 2016 and 2020 primary elections showed that; Bernie sold us out each time, for whatever reason. The oligarchs own both parties, the voting machines, the media, the legislators, the judiciary...they own everything except we the people ourselves. That's why they are doing everything they can to destroy us.

We will not find salvation in the political process. We cannot vote the boot of the oligarchy off our throats using the oligarchs' own political system. That's not how it works. There is only one way to try to assure the survival of our species, and that is ending the murder-suicide economic and political system which is killing our planet.

It's really quite simple: We fight, or we die. No other solution is possible. Throwing children into the maw of the military-industrial complex not only won't help anything, but makes us complicit in the most inhuman act imaginable.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Biden/Trump 2024

Donald Trump just told Israel that they were doing the wrong thing on Israeli TV. Here's the thing: Trump's a scumbag, and a professional heel (as in professional wrestling). He's a real-estate con man and narcissist.

But he's not a mass-murderer like Biden. He knows what appeals to his audience. That's pretty much the stock in trade of a con man. So he talks big and says all kind of shit that he knows his audience loves to hear - or do you believe that he's really an evangelical Christian?

War scares him. It's too big for his level of relatively petty criminality and graft. That's why he was the only President in decades not to start a new war. He even tried to shut down a war, and the generals and military-industrial-Congressional complex jerked the reins out of his hands and flat-out refused to end it. They only ended it for Biden because they knew the resources were needed for the upcoming war in Ukraine.

The DNC has been pushing the idea of Donald Trump as the Antichrist, Satan, and Hitler all rolled up in one turgid package. They see terrifying their voters about Trump as the only way to get them to swallow the shit sandwich that is #GenocideJoe. But Biden is actually killing children every day, probably close to 20,000 by now. He's jailing more refugee children at the border than Trump did. He's happily denying millions of American children (and their parents) basic health care, while he and his family enjoy the best health care in the world for life, paid for by our tax dollars. And don't get me started about Biden's penchant for grabbing little girls and smelling their hair. The guy's a senile creep!

Biden's the genocidal fascist. Trump's a sleazy crook and con man. They're both rapists, of course. But between the two, Trump is clearly the lesser evil. Because genocide, particularly of a population which is half children, can never be anything but the greatest evil possible.

Biden also serves the oligarchs and the military-industrial complex with unquestioning loyalty (or at this point his puppetmasters do, since his brains seem to be mostly tapioca). He's brought the world closer to the brink of World War III than any President since JFK. Trump's ego is so huge and his need for applause is so deep that sometimes - only sometimes, mind you - he unintentionally foils the will of the oligarchs.

Both of them belong in jail. Neither of them deserve to be within a hundred miles of the White House. They're both contemptible. But selling the DNC's painfully-concocted lie that Trump is the Ultimate Evil (a lie they've used in every single election for the past forty years) is just ridiculous.

Inspired by the bumper crop of DNC shills this year, it's:


Friday, March 15, 2024

But this time they really mean it...right?

 All Americans ever receive is meaningless, contemptuous grandstanding from politicians like Kamala Harris' appearance today at an abortion clinic. Tell me, will she roll back time and codify Roe as the Democrats promised to do for decades but never did? No? Will "Union Joe" turn back time to undo his blatant backstab of the railroad workers union?

The only thing we can count on ANY politician to do is kill the innocent and enrich the elite. Israel will never be short of bombs while #GenocideJoe is in office - or ANY Democrat or Republican. At this point anyone who believes that there's a political solution to ANY problem is part of the problem themselves.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Too Damn High

The average monthly rent in my state is $3,313. The average annual income is $39,666. Let's crunch some numbers, shall we?

An annual income of $39,666 is a monthly income of $3,305.50. We can stop there. We're done. You're $7.50 short. 

Except, well, not quite. Approximately 40% of your income is taken up by income tax, social security, etc. That means your actual take-home pay is $1,983.30. So now you're $1,329.70 short. There's not a chance in the world you're going to find a place that much cheaper than the average, unless it's a refrigerator box in a gutter somewhere under a bridge. And not a very nice refrigerator box, either!

Are there any mitigating factors we can dig up? Of course. That $3,313 is the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment. So what if you get a studio apartment instead?

That's $2,765 per month. Progress! Now you're only $781.70 in the hole every month.

Except for a few minor necessities. Food. Utilities. Health insurance. A car if you need one to get to work. Fuel for the car. Forget about having a family, of course. Those are all impossible dreams.

How about a second job? If you're lucky enough to find a second full-time job, you can double up that income to $3,966.60 per month. Success! $3,966.60 minus $2,765.00 leaves you $1,201.60 for your other monthly expenses. Okay, with inflation doubling the cost of just about everything that might be a bit tight. And you're going to be pretty short of sleep. But it's at least in the ballpark of survival.

Have we missed anything? Well, $3,966.60 is the average income. God help you if you make less than that. And you'd better pray that inflation stops dead this minute, because you absolutely cannot afford any increase in your expenses. If your landlord decides to raise your rent, you're out on the streets.

Anyway, good luck. Me, I'm looking to move to a shithole in a rural state. My landlord has been raising my rent at least 25% every year since COVID ended. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

After the 7th

So what's going to happen after Biden loses? More specifically, what will the Democrats do?

I'm guessing we'll see some really frenzied hate towards third-party supporters, with the usual threats to leave the country and complete renunciations of politics altogether. Perhaps they'll try to outlaw third parties completely. I can see them going all-in on banning protests, too.

But what else might they do? Any thoughts?

Friday, March 1, 2024

The Guilty Parties

Israel couldn't continue their genocide for ONE MORE DAY without the constant flow of weapons and funds from the USA. Our tax dollars are being used to murder children every day, and #GenocideJoe is the one responsible. Along with the whole Washington establishment, both parties.

The wrong people are being killed.