As the grandson of four child survivors of a a genocide which is still denied by the descendants of the perpetrators, I can testify to the truth of this: nobody cares. Our land and homes remain stolen. The one and a half million men, women, and children dead remain unrecognized. Pundits and elites roll their eyes and say "get over it, already!".
For a little extra irony, Israel itself continues to refuse to recognize the historicity of that genocide, even though the International Association of Genocide Scholars has recognized it for over half a century. The government of the United States waited over a hundred years before recognizing the genocide. Prestigious American schools including many of the Ivy League have accepted millions of dollars from the government descended from the perpetrators to endow chairs that can only be filled by professors who deny the genocide.
Our people are dispersed throughout the world. In the decades following the genocide, some of us took what reprisals we could, assassinating some of those who'd given and carried out the orders. For a while, the activist organization of my people were the most feared terrorists in the world. But that was long ago. The last of the survivors died in the last ten or twenty years. And that's where things stand. There will never be an admission of guilt, never be any reparations. Which is exactly what Israel AND THE US plan for the Palestinians.