Saturday, June 20, 2020

American Slavery

America has millions of slaves. What else are prisoners in for-profit prisons with mandatory work contracts?

And what are the owners, managers, and stockholders of those for-profit prisons, but slave owners?

Come to think of it, what are the police but slave-catchers?

Monday, June 15, 2020

The Mad Dogs

At this point, I suspect that the oligarchs and the duopoly would like the whole issue of police brutality and BLM to go away. From their perspective, things are getting out of hand - oh, not so much that they're panicking, but enough that they're getting nervous. There hasn't been this much public unrest since the Occupy movement, if not the Great Depression.

So if they had their way, they'd make some symbolic concessions. Some lip service. Maybe some mild pull-back on police power in some areas. We're actually seeing a little of that. But it's not going to work as long as the police themselves keep killing and brutalizing, particularly on camera.

It's ironic, because what the police are doing is exactly the wrong thing from the perspective of the elite. They're stirring us up, rather than calming us down. But that's because of what the police are: hired bullies whose purpose is to beat down the people. That's their nature. These are the mad dogs of the oligarchy, the shock troops on the front lines.

And that's why they're hanging black men from trees and claiming that it was suicide. That's why they're beating old men and women and teargassing whole city blocks. That's why they're targeting legal observers and the press. That's their job. They serve the fascist state that America has become.

The elite are in a trap. They need their mad dogs to hold back now, but they can't get them to do it. Oh, they can get some to do a few tricks, for show; kneel! march! speak! But every time, the cops go back to their same rabid behavior. And as long as they keep beating, killing, and brutalizing, more and more people are waking up and getting mad.

If there's going to be a revolution - and there has to be, if humanity is to have any chance of survival - this is how it has to start. The oligarchs and their servants have to be stupid, and brutal, and obvious. And that's exactly what they're being now.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Bernie Sanders: Betrayer

When the DNC rigged the nominations again in 2020, they voided any contract they had with Bernie Sanders - AND any loyalty that he owed them. Yet Sanders CHOSE to drop out early, let the rigging go unchallenged, and endorsed Joe Biden. He has threatened his delegates with loss of their status if they in any way protest the crimes of Biden and the DNC.

And now we discover that the Sanders' are close friends with the Bidens' and have dinner with them frequently.

There's no other interpretation for the facts: Bernie Sanders betrayed the millions of people who supported him, TWICE. Those who maintain blind loyalty to him nonetheless have no one to blame but themselves when they find themselves getting stabbed in the back by progressive "leaders" again and again.

Our only hope is revolution. Politics is the shell game of sociopaths.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

June 2020 comments

The latest party line from DNC trolls is that we have to vote Blue to "retake the Senate". Apparently we're supposed to believe that if the Democrats get a majority in the Senate, they'll pass all sorts of progressive policies - like Medicare for All, UBI, a Federal jobs guarantee, and the Green New Deal.

You know. All the stuff that they absolutely refused to ever support before.
So we're supposed to support the Democratic Party? Seriously? The same Democratic Party that has done everything possible to BLOCK every progressive piece of legislation?


There isn't time to "chip away". In ten years the planet passes the point of no return. Hundreds of millions will die, maybe billions, maybe EVERYBODY. Which means that we need to bring down the system within five years, AT MOST, if we're to have a prayer of saving humanity from extinction.

I don't understand why so many progressives are acting as if we have enough time to work through a political solution. We don't.

* * *

Vote Blue, and then reform the Democrats? Won't work. The Dems work for the same masters as Trump. Their policies are the same, right down to the genocide of the human race.

And TIME IS RUNNING OUT. In ten years or less, the planet passes the point of no return - and human civilization is doomed. Do you really believe that we have time to elect Democrats and then try to persuade them to shut down the fossil fuel industry - much less take the massive long-term action needed to save us from the worst effects of climate change? In less than ten years?

* * *

Biden is worse than Trump, actually. Their policies are virtually the same. Biden's more of a warmonger, though. If he's elected, we'll be at war with Venezuela and Syria (at least) within a year. He won't do a damned thing about climate change, because his fossil fuel donors wouldn't like that. So the planet and our species will be just as doomed under Biden as we are under Trump.

And don't forget, Biden was the major mover behind the Bankruptcy Bill that ruined millions of American families, the Crime Bill that jailed and enslaved millions of American citizens (mostly black ones), and voted for every single war he could.

The only difference is that the media will fall silent if Biden is President. He'll get a pass.

Lastly, Biden and the DNC destroyed democracy in America by blatantly rigging the Democratic primaries. That makes it personal. There's no way in HELL that I will give my vote or my approval to the people who stole our votes and our voices.

But if it's any consolation, it doesn't matter. Our votes don't matter. If voting could change the path that the world is on, it would be illegal. Trump and Biden are two sides of the same coin, and that coin is owned by the oligarchy.

THAT'S why we need a revolution. Because if we don't, humanity is going to go extinct.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Revolution = Hope

I'm sitting here when I should be in bed, sleeping. And suddenly I felt something that I haven't felt in a long time.


I always hoped that the people would wake up and DO something to save us all from the species death that the oligarchy has been driving towards. For years, decades, people told me that it was hopeless; that people were sheep, and would meekly take anything that the elite inflicted on them.
I'd reply that I refused to believe that; that there was a point of pain past which people COULD NOT simply endure. A point past which all the TV, all the propaganda, all the threats would fail. That at heart, we'd fight - for our children's future, if nothing else.

But I was always afraid that maybe, just MAYBE, I was wrong.

Maybe these protests will be crushed. Maybe. But if they are, they will be followed by more, and bigger ones.

Humanity just might survive after all.