Thursday, July 2, 2020

Response to a neoliberal:

You don't understand democracy, it seems. No candidate has a right to our votes. They have to earn them. If they fail to earn them, that's on them - not us.

And Biden is actually worse than Trump, which takes some doing. He's more of a warmonger; he voted for every war he could in the Senate, and he has made it clear that he will attack Venezuela and Syria as soon as possible. He has also blatantly given Israel a green light for the genocide of the Palestinians.

Biden's Credit bill made student loan debt inescapable, and put millions of American families into financial ruin. But then, that's what his corporate donors wanted.

Biden's crime bill made slaves out of millions of poor, black, and brown Americans in for-profit private prisons. And the corporations that run those prisons have rewarded him with millions in campaign donations. But I guess that doesn't bother you.

Biden has gotten the best free health care for over 50 years now, paid for with our tax dollars. But he proudly asserts, in the middle of a pandemic no less, that he will veto Medicare for all. He is condemning millions of American men, women, and children to sickness and death. But apparently that's okay with you, too.

Lastly, Joe Biden's fossil-fuel friendly climate policy will render this planet uninhabitable. It will literally kill off the human race. So will Trump's, but if you want to tell me that one version of extinction is better than another, good luck with that.

They are both rapists, they both have dementia, and they both work for the same oligarchs who are killing off humanity. You work for them too, since you are pushing their little lesser-of-two-evils game. But more and more people are seeing every day that if we want to survive, we only have one option - and it isn't playing the oligarchy's political game.

We need to take to the streets. If we want to survive, there must be a revolution.

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