Monday, January 22, 2024

New Day, New Google Problem

 For some reason as of today I can ONLY reply to comments here from Chrome. Brave (my current default browser) and FireFox both produce the following results even if I've already logged in:

And then:

My guess is that Google is getting more aggressive about forcing users towards Chrome. They're getting more evil every day. I really need to work on alternatives for Gmail, Drive, and Photos, because I'm expecting more cash grabs from Google in the months and years to come.

I'd also like an alternative to YouTube Music, but we're a little trapped in that one because we've uploaded so much of our music on it. And I created a playlist that replicated the tapes I'd recorded in the 1980s; it has nearly 800 songs on it, and took a huge amount of time to make. Although Google keeps deleting songs off that list (and others), which screws everything up.

The world needs publicly-owned, democratically-operated online services of all sorts. Big Tech needs to be demolished. They contribute nothing but problems and keep milking us for every last penny. Come to think of it, the exact same thing applies to Big Pharma!

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