Monday, April 27, 2020

Get Ready, the Revolution's Coming

If we want humanity to survive, it looks like it's up to us. The oligarchs and the political establishment seem absolutely determined to squeeze the working class to death, if we don't stop them.

The worse it gets, the more people will wake up and get angry. Under the circumstances, social instability and mass protests are the inevitable result. The oligarchs themselves are creating the conditions for revolution.

When the revolution comes, it's going to come fast - and it's going to surprise the hell out of everyone. We need to prepare now - because when the day comes, it'll be too late.

This is a list for the initial mass protests. I am not an expert in protesting; I've put this list together from research online. I plan to keep developing this list as I learn more. I am open to suggestions and advice. New techniques are being developed for mass protest around the world; look them up. Hong Kong. France. Puerto Rico. We can learn from them all.

  • Yellow vest
  • Respirator
  • Hard hat
  • Protective goggles
  • First aid kit
  • Traffic cones (for containing/smothering tear gas grenades)
  • Bottled water
  • Badminton or tennis rackets (for knocking tear gas grenades away, or back to police)
  • Steel-toed shoes or boots
  • Umbrella (as a shield)
  • Remove fingerprint and facial recognition from phone (password only) - burner phone?
  • Install secure communication apps
  • Install secure live-streaming apps
  • Write lawyer and other necessary phone numbers on yourself with sharpie
  • A small supply of any necessary medication or hygiene items in a waterproof baggie

    Monday, April 20, 2020

    Biden vs. Trump = Bullshit

    There's been a lot of furor online about Biden vs. Trump. Much of it has been started by the latest wave of DNC trolls; they're pushing hard to shame, guilt, or intimidate progressives to support Joe Biden.

    But here's the thing: it doesn't matter.

    There's not a dime's difference between Biden and Trump. Their policies are incredibly similar. Both do the bidding of the fossil fuel and health insurance industries. Neither will do anything to stop the climate change that will kill off most or all of the planet before much longer. Neither is going to allow Medicare for All, despite Trump's hints that he might be open to something like that.

    Both are demented. Both are rapists. In fact, there are only three points on which the two have any real difference:

    Biden is actually more of a warmonger than Trump. Like most neoliberals, he's desperate to prove how tough he is - and that means sending the children of the poor and working class overseas to die for the oil companies, the Saudi royal family, and for Israel.

    Trump is a bit more of a wild card. He's still loyal to the oligarchy, but his overweening narcissism and insecurity sometimes inspire him to deviate temporarily from the oligarch party line. He won't do anything to REALLY cross them, but occasionally he'll screw up their plans slightly.

    Lastly, Biden and the DNC actually stole the nomination. With a combination of vote-tampering, poll-station-closing, voting-roll-purging, and the whole Super Tuesday ratfuck, they successfully screwed voters out of their choice for a second time. For all their evil, vote suppression, and gerrymandering, the RNC never did that.

    So not voting for Biden is personal, for some of us. He stole our votes. And not voting for Trump is just common sense; he's as evil as Biden is, or damned near.

    But if you're worried about who to vote for, don't be. Your vote doesn't matter at all. Red Trump or Blue Trump, the oligarchy will still get what they want: more and more wealth and power for themselves, and less and less for everyone else. And the planet will continue to hurtle towards the point of no return. Don't forget, we have ten years if we're LUCKY before hundreds of millions or billions of human deaths become inevitable. When that happens, it's all over.

    Are you cheered up yet? Well, just because the political system is completely locked out for us doesn't mean that there's no hope. In fact, there are some surprising factors working in our favor.

    Electoral politics is by no means the only way to make significant change. In fact, it's not even the best way; it's slow, and corrupt even in the best of times. To make the kind of massive change that we need if we're going to survive will take a mass protest movement: a revolution. And we have powerful allies who are pushing society towards revolution at a breakneck pace.

    Those allies are the oligarchs themselves - or rather, their greed and stupidity. They believe that we're cattle; that they can keep taking more and more and more from us, and we'll never do anything about it.

    But they're wrong. There has never been a people who will quietly accept extinction for themselves and their children without fighting back. And we outnumber them enormously. As people become more and more desperate, we get closer to the point where a critical percentage of the population has no other option but to take to the streets. Once enough of the people are ready to fight to save themselves and their children, the system will fall.

    It won't be easy, or pretty. But it's virtually inevitable. Rather than worrying about politics - vote for whoever you want, it really doesn't matter - spend some of that energy getting ready for the breaking point.

    Stock up on essentials. Buy a yellow vest. Brush up on skills which will be valuable in a mass protest, such as first aid. Make connections to neighbors and local groups - friends will be critical when the time comes. Help others as much as you can; that forges connections that will matter in the future.

    Read up on the latest protest techniques and tools. Secure communications will be important, as will things such as protective googles and face masks. Learn what to do when you're exposed to tear gas. Find others who are like-minded, and share your knowledge and ideas. Avoid leaders, if you can - particularly political leaders. They're only targets for corruption or takedown by the oligarchy, and far too many of them are just con artists.

    The situation isn't hopeless, UNLESS you limit your view to the political sphere. Then things look bleak indeed. That's what the oligarchy, their political parties, and their mainstream media want you to believe. They know that we outnumber them by hundreds of thousands to one. Once the people wake up and realize that - and they will! - the days of the system are numbered.

    Keep fighting!

    Thursday, April 16, 2020

    Getting Ready for the Uprising

    If you, like me, are finally convinced that politics is where the progressive movement goes to die...and that the DNC will NEVER allow meaningful action towards progressive goals...then I suggest that we start preparing for the inevitable revolution. Let's share ideas.

    The unemployment rate is higher than it was during the Great Depression. The social safety net has been slashed beyond the bone, and it's very unlikely that the duopoly and their oligarch owners will relent on austerity. The damage to the economy will be permanent in many areas. So we have a large and growing portion of the population who've been brought up HARD against the fact that they are surplus population, and are supposed to quietly die.

    Funny thing about that: most people WON'T quietly die. They'll fight back. And the greed and stupidity of the oligarchy is forcing them into exactly that choice.

    Revolution or death.

    Revolutions don't come because a brilliant group of leaders makes a plan; they come from the suffering of a critical percentage of a population. It doesn't have to be a majority of the population, either. If 3.5% of a population takes to the streets, the rulers of a country are in serious danger of having to flee.

    So what can we do in the meantime?

    We should be getting ready. When the revolution comes, it's going to come FAST - and with virtually no warning. The elite will take drastic action to crack down on communications, so it will be necessary to use the most secure online communications possible. I've heard that the Signal and Telegraph apps are good, but I haven't tried them myself, yet. But even the most secure online communications are subject to cracking. So we need to develop low-tech means of communication as well. When we need it, there won't be time to develop it - so now is the time to start working on it.

    Likewise, securing video of protests and police brutality will be important. There are apps you can use to send live streams of your video data to the cloud, and to other users. Again, you need to have those apps and know how to use them BEFORE you actually need them.

    Protest skills and techniques are critical. Our brothers and sisters in France were doing outstanding work in that area, until the COVID-19 crisis. Leaderless movements and specialized teams were devastatingly effective against the French police. We need to study their techniques, and ALL techniques which can be helpful.

    When the revolution comes, human connections will be critical. Get to know your neighbors, if you can. If there are small progressive groups in your area, join them and get active. If there aren't, why not start one yourself?

    When the revolution comes, the economy is going to go into a tailspin on a scale that we've never seen before. The shortages will make the current pandemic look like a picnic. Read up on what you would need for yourself, your family, and your neighbors. When the time comes, you want to be someone who has something valuable to offer to the group.

    That includes skills, too. All sorts of skills will be valuable; first aid. App security. Basic chemistry. Research. Books of useful information will be EXTREMELY valuable. You don't have to spend a lot, or even anything at all, to ready yourself to contribute to the movement. You might even find it fun!

    I'm not going to suggest any specific source for protest or revolutionary information in this post. Let's save that for the comments. Please share your ideas there.

    Tuesday, April 14, 2020

    How to Spot A DNC Troll (2020 edition)

    With the collapse of the Bernie 2020 campaign, the DNC has unleashed a new army of trolls. Just as in 2016, they've descended on every progressive, socialist, or Bernie campaign they can find. Their mission: shut down those groups. Sow dissension and despair. Crush the progressive movement.

    But we don't have to just give in. There are ways to spot a troll. Here are a number of typical troll warning signs:


    Fear (and deception) are the primary weapons of the troll, but fear of Trump is by far their first choice. The DNC has been weaponizing fear of Trump for five years now. If a post is all about how terrible Trump is, and doesn't reference progressive goals, you've almost certainly found a troll. "I'll support Biden now because Trump, but wait until 2024!". Sure you will, troll.

    "But what about the Senate?" is very "in" this year. For some reason trolls assume that we'll buy the idea that if the Democrats took over the Senate, they'd enact progressive goals and policies - as if the last forty years haven't proven over and over that they'll do whatever the oligarchs want. Only a troll would try that arguement.

    "Concern" about the Supreme Court is another classic troll topic. It completely ignores Joe Biden's role in attacking Anita Hill and getting Clarence Thomas confirmed - not to mention his support of corporatist judges over his entire career. If someone starts talking about Ruth Bader Ginsberg and "losing" the SCOTUS, odds are they're a troll. And why haven't they noticed that the Supreme Court is already lost to corporate "justice", with the happy assent of the Democratic leadership? (Because they're paid not to notice, that's why.)

    A fourth form of fear-mongering is for the troll to accuse anyone who questions their logic of being a Russian agent. Even if it doesn't silence the questioner, they'll almost certainly feel it necessary to defend themselves...and the whole discussion will be diverted into the Russian issue, leaving the troll's original "poison pill" argument there to fester.

    The Pied Piper 

    "We must follow Bernie". "I'm listening to Bernie - why aren't you?" "Bernie has a master plan - trust him!". Pure trollsign. No progressive signed a blood oath to follow Bernie into extinction. We didn't join a cult. And we won't mindlessly follow Bernie over the DNC cliff. We supported him because he stood for the same principles that we do. Now that he's given in to the DNC, we're under no obligation to join him. The DNC may want to believe that we're sheep, but they're wrong - I hope.

    Occasionally you'll find a smarter troll, one that operates under deeper cover. They'll spend some time making "good" posts to build up credibility. There's a good chance that they'll be lazy about it, though, and just copy and paste memes. Once they've established their bona fides, they start "evolving" towards full troll status. It takes a keen eye to spot in the early stages, but once they're out in the open you can identify them. If it talks like a troll, it IS a troll - no matter what history it has.

    Bernie Bros redux

    "You're all so RUDE!". Attacking progressives who won't go along with capitulation and voting for Biden is another popular tactic. This usually takes the form of a dramatic announcement that the troll, who claims all sorts of progressives bona fides, is outraged and repulsed by the rude, crude, hateful talk of people in the group who oppose Biden. But don't worry. The troll will be back right away - using a new name, of course.


    False Equivalence

    Some trolls push an "enlightened" talking point: that no one in the group should be allowed to promote ANY candidate. This isn't an ideal outcome for them, but it's just an excuse to principle-shame progressives who resist the DNC candidate. But why shouldn't we try to persuade people not to vote for the candidate who undermined democracy and stole our votes? And whose fossil-fuel-friendly climate and fracking policies will literally kill off the human race? That he's a almost certainly a rapist is just the cherry on top.


    "Take your ball and go home." "You're acting like a baby." "Adults realize that sometimes you have to make compromises." "Purity test much?". "You're Putin's lapdog." All classic attacks used by trolls to get under our skin. If they can get us pissed off, they're halfway to victory. Don't get mad - report them instead!

    Hit & Run Posting

    Always remember that the goal, from a troll's point of view, is to stir up trouble and waste our time. When someone (usually without much of a posting history to the group) comes in, posts something inflammatory, and then doesn't respond to most or any comments on what they said, it's a safe bet that they're a troll. And now they're off in another progressive group, doing a hit-and-run there.

    Useful Idiots

    Not every troll is necessarily a paid professional. Part of the troll's job is to recruit and encourage the development of "useful idiots": weak-minded people who frequent progressive groups, but are easily persuaded by DNC propaganda. They often start parroting the DNC line, even working together with trolls without realizing it. Make no mistake: it doesn't matter if a DNC troll knows what they're doing and who they're really working for. If they're trolling, they're the enemy whether they're paid or just stupid. Treat them as such.

    The Swarm

    Some trolls work in groups. These can be particularly difficult to handle. They'll support each other, do their best to protect each other, and may even start accusing those who point out what they're doing of being trolls themselves. The goal in such cases is usually to work the moderators, wear them down, get them so overwhelmed that they'll either give up protecting the group or start banning anyone who complains about anything. This generally happens when the a group has been targeted for takedown.

    Troll Stages

    In the initial stage, the purpose of the troll is to persuade, propagandize, and inspire useful idiots. Their targets at this point are the members of the group. Call this the "infestation" stage, if you like. They'll keep their heads down, and they'll be relatively rare. Only the clumsiest troll will be easily detected.

    After a point, the inception approach gives way to a more active, hostile approach. Trolls become more numerous and more blatant. Presumably more funds have been allocated to online propaganda by the DNC at this point; usually there has been a triggering incident, such as the recent suspension of his campaign by Bernie Sanders. In any case, troll tactics shift. The goal now is to make the group an unpleasant place to be; for this reason, I call this the "curdling" stage. Arguments become common. Battle lines are drawn. Schisms are set up and stealthily encouraged. At this point accusations of trolling become much more common, and in some cases the most outspoken progressives will find themselves accused of being trolls by the trolls. The target is now both the members, and the moderators or administrators. Both are to be driven away or to at least be made reluctant to participate. Moderators in particular should feel overwhelmed at this point, trying to handle constant complaints and arguments. In large groups, it's typical for many mods to quit or simply stop moderating.

    We now enter the "takeover" stage. If there's a need for moderators (which is likely), eager new volunteers pop up. At least some of these will be trolls. While their initial actions may appear to be fair, they'll do everything they can to bring "friends" on as moderators. It won't be long before they begin to purge progressives, particularly those who catch on quickly to trolls. Schisms and battle lines in the group harden. At this point the group is becoming actively toxic. Members start leaving in larger numbers, some announcing their departure, others simply fleeing. The new moderators begin purging real progressives wholesale, generally labeling them as troublemakers. The group can no longer accomplish anything positive, not even in terms of boosting morale.

    In some cases at this point groups have been simply bought. In 2016 a number of progressive group administrators came forward to announce that they'd been offered a large sum of money (typically $10,000.00) to either close their groups down, or to hand over control of the group to the purchaser - presumably, someone working for the DNC through David Brock's army of paid trolls ("Correct the Record"). The DNC has spent millions of dollars on Brock's services. And now they're spending $175 million - supposedly against Trump, but Brock's specialty has always been attacking progressives online.

    It's clear that at least some admins accepted those offers. Some groups quickly swung 180 degrees, quickly moving from supporting Bernie to Hillary within a few days. Groups with thousands or tens of thousands of members were reduced to mere hundreds, with the new moderators combing through members' history and banning anyone who ever said anything negative about Hillary or the DNC. Within weeks (or less), nothing is left but a hollow shell. Often the group is simply deleted.

    If the group can't be bought, it's scheduled for the takedown phase. At this point the masks and gloves are off. Photos may be posted which violate Facebook's terms of service (or whatever social media the group is on; the troll phenomenon is hardly limited to Facebook!). In 2016 extremely offensive photographs were posted by trolls, immediately reported to Facebook, and the groups were inevitably shut down. This technique is particularly preferred shortly before elections.

    While the group owner can protest to Facebook and request reinstatement, remember that Facebook is owned by an oligarch itself: Mark Zuckerberg, who is anything but shy about abusing his power to crush movements that threaten his status. Although groups are taken down immediately when attacked, reinstating them can take weeks or months...or never. In any case, by the time they're allowed back online it's too late. The election is over.

    Another form of takedown is to simply swamp the group with new troll members. This is a relatively rare approach, presumably because it's expensive. It's much easier to simply post some grossly offensive photos to a group and have it taken down that way.

    So what can you do when you have a troll infestation?

    Step one is to recognize them. A troll can't troll without trolling; as long as you have a good eye for troll activity, there's no easy way for them to hide.

    But just recognizing a troll isn't enough. You have to deal with them. Some people believe that they can argue with trolls, convince them of the error of their ways; this is both arrogant and foolish. “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair. They aren't there to discuss: they are there for a paycheck. There's no honesty in them. You might as well try to argue with a bullet being shot at your head by an enemy soldier. They simply don't care. I sometimes suspect that at least some who want to "discuss" issues with trolls are trolls themselves.

    Some people argue that trolls are protected by the First Amendment. That's simply wrong. Facebook and other social media services are privately owned; the First Amendment doesn't apply (perhaps it should, but that's a different issue. Personally I'd argue that Facebook should be turned over to public ownership by the members). In any case, the First Amendment doesn't require that a group leave itself open to attack by mercenaries. It's the height of arrogance to insist on leaving a group open to abuse by hostile agents in order to prove moral superiority and supposed understanding of Constitutional rights.

    Time and again I've seen groups leave themselves open to trolls in the name of tolerance, the First Amendment, and increasing understanding. In every case, those groups have ended up being destroyed. And that's what the trolls want; to make smoking wreckage out of every possible group that could lay the seeds for resisting the DNC and the oligarchy that they serve. It always happens.

    The only effective response to trolls is simple: stamp them out. Fumigate them. Treat them like the cockroaches they are. This puts a huge burden on group moderators, and a responsibility on members to be alert and report trolls. I've written this guide to help progressives to recognize trolls for that reason. Recognize that your moderators work for you, and that they represent the group's primary defense against trolls; support them! Volunteer to be a mod, if you have the time. Think of it as paying the group back for what you've gotten out of it. And paying it forward, for others.

    The DNC spends millions of dollars to shut down progressives online. They wouldn't do that if they didn't fear us. That's a comforting thought...and good reason to fight them, and their trolls.

    Good luck!