Thursday, April 16, 2020

Getting Ready for the Uprising

If you, like me, are finally convinced that politics is where the progressive movement goes to die...and that the DNC will NEVER allow meaningful action towards progressive goals...then I suggest that we start preparing for the inevitable revolution. Let's share ideas.

The unemployment rate is higher than it was during the Great Depression. The social safety net has been slashed beyond the bone, and it's very unlikely that the duopoly and their oligarch owners will relent on austerity. The damage to the economy will be permanent in many areas. So we have a large and growing portion of the population who've been brought up HARD against the fact that they are surplus population, and are supposed to quietly die.

Funny thing about that: most people WON'T quietly die. They'll fight back. And the greed and stupidity of the oligarchy is forcing them into exactly that choice.

Revolution or death.

Revolutions don't come because a brilliant group of leaders makes a plan; they come from the suffering of a critical percentage of a population. It doesn't have to be a majority of the population, either. If 3.5% of a population takes to the streets, the rulers of a country are in serious danger of having to flee.

So what can we do in the meantime?

We should be getting ready. When the revolution comes, it's going to come FAST - and with virtually no warning. The elite will take drastic action to crack down on communications, so it will be necessary to use the most secure online communications possible. I've heard that the Signal and Telegraph apps are good, but I haven't tried them myself, yet. But even the most secure online communications are subject to cracking. So we need to develop low-tech means of communication as well. When we need it, there won't be time to develop it - so now is the time to start working on it.

Likewise, securing video of protests and police brutality will be important. There are apps you can use to send live streams of your video data to the cloud, and to other users. Again, you need to have those apps and know how to use them BEFORE you actually need them.

Protest skills and techniques are critical. Our brothers and sisters in France were doing outstanding work in that area, until the COVID-19 crisis. Leaderless movements and specialized teams were devastatingly effective against the French police. We need to study their techniques, and ALL techniques which can be helpful.

When the revolution comes, human connections will be critical. Get to know your neighbors, if you can. If there are small progressive groups in your area, join them and get active. If there aren't, why not start one yourself?

When the revolution comes, the economy is going to go into a tailspin on a scale that we've never seen before. The shortages will make the current pandemic look like a picnic. Read up on what you would need for yourself, your family, and your neighbors. When the time comes, you want to be someone who has something valuable to offer to the group.

That includes skills, too. All sorts of skills will be valuable; first aid. App security. Basic chemistry. Research. Books of useful information will be EXTREMELY valuable. You don't have to spend a lot, or even anything at all, to ready yourself to contribute to the movement. You might even find it fun!

I'm not going to suggest any specific source for protest or revolutionary information in this post. Let's save that for the comments. Please share your ideas there.

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