Monday, April 20, 2020

Biden vs. Trump = Bullshit

There's been a lot of furor online about Biden vs. Trump. Much of it has been started by the latest wave of DNC trolls; they're pushing hard to shame, guilt, or intimidate progressives to support Joe Biden.

But here's the thing: it doesn't matter.

There's not a dime's difference between Biden and Trump. Their policies are incredibly similar. Both do the bidding of the fossil fuel and health insurance industries. Neither will do anything to stop the climate change that will kill off most or all of the planet before much longer. Neither is going to allow Medicare for All, despite Trump's hints that he might be open to something like that.

Both are demented. Both are rapists. In fact, there are only three points on which the two have any real difference:

Biden is actually more of a warmonger than Trump. Like most neoliberals, he's desperate to prove how tough he is - and that means sending the children of the poor and working class overseas to die for the oil companies, the Saudi royal family, and for Israel.

Trump is a bit more of a wild card. He's still loyal to the oligarchy, but his overweening narcissism and insecurity sometimes inspire him to deviate temporarily from the oligarch party line. He won't do anything to REALLY cross them, but occasionally he'll screw up their plans slightly.

Lastly, Biden and the DNC actually stole the nomination. With a combination of vote-tampering, poll-station-closing, voting-roll-purging, and the whole Super Tuesday ratfuck, they successfully screwed voters out of their choice for a second time. For all their evil, vote suppression, and gerrymandering, the RNC never did that.

So not voting for Biden is personal, for some of us. He stole our votes. And not voting for Trump is just common sense; he's as evil as Biden is, or damned near.

But if you're worried about who to vote for, don't be. Your vote doesn't matter at all. Red Trump or Blue Trump, the oligarchy will still get what they want: more and more wealth and power for themselves, and less and less for everyone else. And the planet will continue to hurtle towards the point of no return. Don't forget, we have ten years if we're LUCKY before hundreds of millions or billions of human deaths become inevitable. When that happens, it's all over.

Are you cheered up yet? Well, just because the political system is completely locked out for us doesn't mean that there's no hope. In fact, there are some surprising factors working in our favor.

Electoral politics is by no means the only way to make significant change. In fact, it's not even the best way; it's slow, and corrupt even in the best of times. To make the kind of massive change that we need if we're going to survive will take a mass protest movement: a revolution. And we have powerful allies who are pushing society towards revolution at a breakneck pace.

Those allies are the oligarchs themselves - or rather, their greed and stupidity. They believe that we're cattle; that they can keep taking more and more and more from us, and we'll never do anything about it.

But they're wrong. There has never been a people who will quietly accept extinction for themselves and their children without fighting back. And we outnumber them enormously. As people become more and more desperate, we get closer to the point where a critical percentage of the population has no other option but to take to the streets. Once enough of the people are ready to fight to save themselves and their children, the system will fall.

It won't be easy, or pretty. But it's virtually inevitable. Rather than worrying about politics - vote for whoever you want, it really doesn't matter - spend some of that energy getting ready for the breaking point.

Stock up on essentials. Buy a yellow vest. Brush up on skills which will be valuable in a mass protest, such as first aid. Make connections to neighbors and local groups - friends will be critical when the time comes. Help others as much as you can; that forges connections that will matter in the future.

Read up on the latest protest techniques and tools. Secure communications will be important, as will things such as protective googles and face masks. Learn what to do when you're exposed to tear gas. Find others who are like-minded, and share your knowledge and ideas. Avoid leaders, if you can - particularly political leaders. They're only targets for corruption or takedown by the oligarchy, and far too many of them are just con artists.

The situation isn't hopeless, UNLESS you limit your view to the political sphere. Then things look bleak indeed. That's what the oligarchy, their political parties, and their mainstream media want you to believe. They know that we outnumber them by hundreds of thousands to one. Once the people wake up and realize that - and they will! - the days of the system are numbered.

Keep fighting!

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