Saturday, August 15, 2020

Why Biden Is Worse Than Trump

Lately I find myself needing to refer back to text I've already written about people - correction, alleged people - like Joe Biden. I've stored some of these in emails to myself, and here.

But it would make sense to organize those writings, and to polish them for that purpose. Add citations and links. Make them more powerful. And maybe make them a public resource, not that many people come here. What could I call them, though?

Anyway, here's something I posted in a response to an advertisement on Facebook for Joe Biden. It's based on previous stuff I've written about Biden, but each time I've used it I've polished it a bit more. It still needs a lot of work, and you may recognize a lot of it as something I posted here earlier (my probably-mythical reader), but here it is.

Joe Biden is actually WORSE than Trump, which takes some doing. He's more of a warmonger; he voted for every war he could in the Senate, and he has made it clear that he will attack Venezuela and Syria as soon as possible. He has also blatantly given Israel a green light for the genocide of the Palestinians.

His vote for the Iraq war helped kill over 182,000 Iraqi men, women, and children. It also killed 4,425 American servicemen and women, while another 31,952 US servicepeople were wounded. The number of suicides among returned military personnel isn't available, but surely isn't negligible. That's a hell of a lot of blood on Senator Biden's hands. And yet he doesn't seem to have any trouble sleeping at night.

Biden's 2005 "Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act" (BAPCPA) made student loan debt inescapable even by bankruptcy. It put millions of American families into financial ruin. But then, that's what Joe's corporate donors wanted.

Joe Biden co-wrote the 1994 Crime Bill (
Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act). That bill literally made SLAVES out of millions of poor, black, and brown Americans in for-profit private prisons. How many uncounted American children were deprived of their mother or father so that Joe could say he was tough on crime? But the corporations that run those prisons have rewarded Joe with millions in campaign donations. Apparently enslaving millions of Americans was a price Joe was willing to pay for that sweet campaign cash.

Joe Biden has gotten the best free health care for over 50 years now, paid for with our tax dollars. But he proudly asserts, in the middle of a pandemic no less, that he will veto Medicare for All. Nothing but the best for Joe, but the rest of us don't count. He is condemning millions of American men, women, and children to sickness and death. "Sacrifices have to be made" according to Joe! But he and his campaign donors are never the ones who have to make the sacrifice. Funny how it's always working Americans who get stuck in the neck, isn't it?

Joe has been trying to slash Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare for his entire career. We paid for those benefits, but Joe wants to privatize or cut them. Is that what a "man of the people" would do? Steal from working Americans?

Ah, but what about the Supreme Court? some might ask. Really? That's a reason to vote for the man who voted to confirm Antonin Scalia? The man who silenced Anita Hill and the witnesses who would have backed her up to ensure that "Silent" Clarence Thomas would have a lifetime seat on the SCOTUS? Joe Biden's record on the Supreme Court is the worst imaginable. And with his constant fetishisation of "reaching across the aisle", there's absolutely NO reason to expect that to change.

Lastly, Joe Biden's fossil-fuel friendly climate policy will render this planet uninhabitable. In seven years or less, the planet passes the point of no return and human civilization will be doomed. It will literally kill off the human race.

But Joe wants to seek a "middle way". He won't even ban fracking. It's kind of like cutting someone's head half off, but not in a funny way like in Harry Potter. It'll kill us just as surely as Trump's policies. But if you think that one version of extinction is better than another, good luck with that.

They are both rapists, they both have dementia, and they both work for the same oligarchs who are killing off humanity. A vote for either of them is a vote for extinction.

If you have children or grandchildren, think about the kind of world they are going to grow up in - and die in. Think about what it will be like for them, knowing that they have no future. Think about the billions of children, born and unborn, who will grow up in a world on fire and drowning.

More and more people are seeing every day that if we want to survive, we only have one option. And it isn't playing the oligarchy's political game.

We have to take to the streets. The only way we get to survive is if we do what the founding fathers did. We HAVE to revolt.

And it starts with a #GeneralStrike.

1 comment:

  1. A shorter version without links to use on YouTube:

    Joe Biden is actually WORSE than Trump, which takes some doing. He's more of a warmonger; he voted for every war he could in the Senate, and he has made it clear that he will attack Venezuela and Syria as soon as possible. He has also blatantly given Israel a green light for the genocide of the Palestinians.

    Biden's vote for the Iraq war helped kill over 182,000 Iraqi men, women, and children. It also killed 4,425 American servicemen and women, while another 31,000, 952 US servicepeople were wounded. The number of suicides among returned military personnel isn't available, but surely isn't negligible. That's a hell of a lot of blood on Senator Biden's hands. And yet he doesn't seem to have any trouble sleeping at night.

    Biden's 2005 "Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act" (BAPCPA) made student loan debt inescapable even by bankruptcy. It put millions of American families into financial ruin. But then, that's what Joe's corporate donors wanted.

    Joe Biden co-wrote the 1994 Crime Bill (Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act). That bill literally made SLAVES out of millions of poor, black, and brown Americans in for-profit private prisons. How many uncounted American children were deprived of their mother or father so that Joe could say he was tough on crime? But the corporations that run those prisons have rewarded Joe with millions in campaign donations. Apparently enslaving millions of Americans was a price Joe was willing to pay for that sweet campaign cash.

    Opposing Medicare for All, voting for Antonin Scalia, silencing Anita Hill and giving us Clarence DARE Darrick Hamiliton or anyone else endorse a sociopath like Joe Biden?

    Biden's climate policies will literally kill off the human race. So will Trump's, but that's a reason to oppose BOTH - not to support Biden. The only way we get to survive is if we do what the founding fathers did. We HAVE to revolt.

    And it starts with a #GeneralStrike.
