Sunday, August 30, 2020

The People's Convention?

I watched the MPP People's Convention tonight - or a lot of it, anyway. Much as I like Marianne Williamson, I had to turn it off when she started shilling for Biden. But by that point I was starting to feel suspicious. It was all too moderate; they pretty much seemed to be talking about reform rather than the fundamental Revolution that we have to have if humanity is to survive.

Over the decades I've developed a very good sense for opportunists. Something felt off to me here.

And they pushed UBI pretty hard. That alone is simply nowhere near enough. But when they started talking about a wealth tax, that really set off some alarms. A wealth tax implies the continued existence of great wealth. Didn't say a damn thing about abolishing billionaires. And as long as great wealth exists, a universal basic income is just more for the billionaires to take.

So I'm not buying the MPP. I still believe that it's going to come down to a real Revolution, not some political solution.

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