Friday, October 23, 2020

A new conversation with a DNC volunteer

Ellie: Hi Peter, this is Ellie with the Democrats. We're about to embark on the largest national relational Get Out The Vote effort ever! We're celebrating all of your hard work and the journey ahead tomorrow at 8pm ET with special guest Zooey Deschanel! Can you join us?

Peter: Not until the Democrats support Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, and a ban on fracking - and convince me that they really mean it.

Ellie: Thanks for sharing. I believe it will take all of us working together to defeat Donald Trump and make progress towards affordable health care and college, clean energy, a strong middle class, and campaign finance reform.

Peter: That's probably true, but the Democrats have made it quite clear that they are not interested in any of those goals. Joe Biden won't even ban fracking, even though we have seven years at most before climate change passes the point of no return. Does that make any sense to you? I have a child, and I can't accept the Democratic party's  refusal to take climate change seriously. It's the greatest threat humanity has ever faced.

Ellie: I understand that and agree. However, Trump is a much bigger threat to humanity. And we all have to do our part to defeat him to reset things, even if they're not ideal.

Peter: It's not a matter of Biden not being ideal. I followed his career for a long time, and I've studied what the Democratic party has been doing - particularly since 1980. They serve the same oligarchs that Trump serves. The only significant difference in their policies is that the Democrats are more eager to go to war. And that's just because Trump is a coward. Have you seen the climate clock? You can Google that. In 7 years and less than 70 days, human extinction becomes a virtual inevitability. But Joe Biden and the Democrats won't even ban fracking! There is no way that I can accept that.

And while I know that the DNC has put a huge amount of time, effort, and money to terrorize Americans about the evil of Trump, it was the Democrats' policies that BROUGHT us Trump. I've read Hillary's Pied Piper email. If Trump was such a threat, why did the Democrats elevate him in the media in 2016? And why have they given him everything he has asked for and more in congress?

They won't even fight his latest Supreme Court nomination. They don't represent me, and they don't care about a future for the children of the world. Their actions prove that. Doesn't that bother you?

Ellie: Sorry for the slow reply, Peter. I hear you. Donald Trump has one word for climate change: "hoax." But Joe Biden and Democrats know a different word applies: "jobs." Biden's clean energy and infrastructure plan will create millions of good-paying, union jobs in the auto, construction, energy and other industries.

I agree with you that climate change is a huge issue, and I believe that it is one that we won't solve over night. I would rather see us take a step in the right direction by recommitting to the Paris Agreement, as Joe Biden has pledged to do, than to have us continue on our current trajectory. I hope you'll agree and join me in voting for Joe Biden this election.

Peter: But that's the horror of it. "Jobs"?!? Really? It's LIVES that are at stake - all of our lives. Joe Biden claims to listen to the science, but the science is very clear and he is ignoring it as much as Trump is. We have less than seven years and three months before we pass the point of no return on climate change. After that, there is nothing we can do to keep the Earth from becoming mostly uninhabitable for human beings for the next 5,000 years. And yet Joe Biden won't even ban FRACKING.  The Paris Accord is a Band-Aid on a corpse. The scientists are unanimous that it is nowhere near enough.

Joe Biden accepts huge contributions from the fossil fuel industry. How do you reconcile that with the climate catastrophe that is bearing down on us so quickly?

Ellie: Joe and Kamala want to tackle the challenges we face as a country. They've put forward big, bold plans to take urgent action on climate change, achieve universal health care, and support working families. Read more here: https://[no I'm not including the URL]/joes-vision/

Peter: I've read their policies. They're absolutely inadequate. What more, I'm quite positive that they will never be implemented. Since 1980 the Democrats have consistently signaled left on their platform and political promises, only to go hard right when they actually had the chance. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me dozens of times? I don't think so. The Democrats work for Wall Street, the fossil fuel industry, and the oligarchy, just as Trump does. Sorry, but I have been following this for a long time.

And I'm a parent. I WON'T go along with ignoring the reality of climate change. Or with denying health care to millions. Or with driving millions more into bankruptcy for the profit of Biden's credit-industry campaign donors. Or with starting new wars against Venezuela and Syria. Or with supporting the genocides in Palastine and Yemen. Doesn't any of that BOTHER you?

Ellie: I hear your concerns. May I ask who you will be supporting in this election?

Peter: The DNC has successfully convinced me that my vote doesn't matter. By rigging two primaries in a row, they've made it clear that our only choices will be between servants of the oligarchs. I'll vote for Howie Hawkins, but it's very clear that we will not be allowed to VOTE ourselves free. The only Democratic candidate that I will consider voting for is Ed Markey, and that's because the DNC has done everything they can to punish him for co-sponsoring the Green New Deal.

If you Google "climate clock", you'll find a clock counting down the time to which climate change becomes irreversible and our entire species extinction will be inevitable. There are links that document the science behind that clock. Look up what scientists say about the Biden plan. It will not save us. As I said, I'm a parent. I don't know if you are. But I won't go along with a plan that means death for my child and any potential grandchildren. Not to mention the children of the world. I can't imagine any choice that would be more evil.

Ellie: Got it. I appreciate you letting me know. Thanks for your time - stay safe!

Peter: Good luck. And if things go bad, as I believe they will...I hope you'll join us in the streets.

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