Attempting to discuss concerns about Covid-19 vaccinations on Facebook and Reddit is a dangerous game. It immediately invites hysterical attacks, shattering of old bonds of friendship and family, and group outrage.
In the last three weeks Reddit has taken censorship of those who question Covid-19 vaccination to an unprecedented new level of Orwellianism. The sub r/unvaccinated , a "Safe community for unvaccinated redditors that refuse or are hesitant to take the new experimental covid vaccine. A place to support, share thoughts and discuss news topics." has had no new posts since November 9th - seventeen days ago.
Does it seem strange that in the current environment the Unvaccinated subreddit would become a ghost town? There's no need to wonder. I myself posted there twice in the last ten days, only for my posts to silently and completely disappear.
Go there yourself; post to your heart's content. Watch as your posts vanish, one by one. They never existed. No one will ever hear what you have to say. Nor will you ever be given a reason for that censorship.
I tried writing to the group moderators, of course. No answer ever came. I've been writing to the moderators individually, but so far have received no answer. The first ones I wrote to seem to have been inactive for months.
Mind you, this was a fairly active group! And questioning the safety of Covid-19 vaccines is not illegal. That speech on that subject can be simply blanked out of existence is an ominous sign of what's to come.