Thursday, November 25, 2021

The New Untouchables

 So here's what happened.

Six days ago someone posted on r/skeptic:


The rest of the post consisted of nine reasons, point by point, why the poster didn't get the vaccine - including that she had lost a family member apparently due to the covid vaccine (very shortly after receiving it), and that her mother had had severe reactions to the same vaccine. Genetic tests indicated that the covid vaccines were extremely dangerous for her. She had also herself caught covid and recovered; tests afterwards showed that she had acquired a natural resistance to covid (at least for a while) that was higher than that bestowed by the vaccine. Her doctor had recommended that she not get the vaccine due to the risk of a negative reaction.

The poster did NOT say that no one should get the vaccine, only that she herself didn't want to get it for the reasons she'd given. She also noted that she follows appropriate masking and social distancing protocols. She needn't have bothered, though, because she was accused of both. Told that she was responsible for the deaths of millions because of her reckless refusal to get vaccinated. The free-thinking minds of r/skeptic - or at least most of them - absolutely savaged her, downvoting her comments like mad.

I stupidly jumped in.

I know that a few people in the sub upvoted my comments, because they bounced up and down a little for a while. But they were downvoted into invisibility pretty fast.

Now, don't get me wrong. So far this is just a typical day on Reddit, more or less. But here's where it got interesting. First, the original post was mostly deleted - that is, all the facts and details that had been posted which supported the poster's original statement were removed. A huge number of comments were removed, too. But more than that: within a day or two the original poster herself disappeared, her account suspended with no reason given. It made no sense. She'd been far more polite that I would have been under the same circumstances.

The hypocrisy of supposed "skeptics" joining in such a blatant display of groupthink, conformism, and obedience to the "official truth" was simply sickening. I left the sub for good.

But there's more to the story in the next post.

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