Sunday, September 13, 2020

Joe Biden, Man of "The People"

Joe Biden's crime bill literally made slaves out of millions of Americans. How many of them died in prison? Nobody knows.

Biden's support for the Iraq war caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, including many thousand American troops.

Biden's credit bill financially ruined millions of American families. How many people died early of diseases of despair? How many committed suicide? Again, nobody knows.

What we do know is that Biden apparently doesn't give a shit. He still insists that he will veto Medicare for all. He still supports fracking, which will kill off most if not all of the human race along with uncounted numbers of other species.

Does that mean that Trump is good? No. He's vile and evil and stupid. But it does mean that many people have successfully been tricked into supporting blue Trump out of fear of red Trump. They  have been played. Too many Americans have been played. And until enough people wake up and take to the streets, none of us will have any hope for the future.

I hope to God they wake up soon.

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