Saturday, September 12, 2020

The Tragedy of the Sheep

A lot of us have been attacked lately by friends and acquaintances online: victims of the DNC's long-term propaganda campaign to convince the uninformed that the entire corrupt system is all Trump's fault. To them, Trump is Satan, Beelzebub, Hitler, and Mephistopheles all wrapped up in one stupid package. That fear is driving them to mindless support for the Democrats' equivalent of Trump, Joe Biden. Friendship and courtesy mean nothing in the face of that overwhelming terror.

They don't realize that they have allied themselves with the same forces that gave us Trump; the same oligarchs that are killing off the planet. No, they are just dancing along like obedient puppets, screeching their blind rage at anyone who opposes Biden or points out that the two candidates are virtually identical.

They have become unwitting servants of the agents of their own destruction, and the destruction of any children for grandchildren that they might have. They are tragic, although they don't realize it. But we will continue to fight to save the world - including them! - from Trump and Biden and the oligarchy behind them, because we have no other choice.

It comes down to this: Revolution or human extinction. If they don't see that yet, they will eventually. I just hope that it doesn't come too late.

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