Thursday, February 1, 2024

The Biden Bump?

In the last day or so I've seen several stories in the mainstream press claiming that new polls show that Joe Biden is receiving a flood of support, so much so as to give him a clear edge over Donald Trump.

I'm not buying it. This is triggering my troll-sense. I suspect that someone high up in the political establishment has decided that it's time to fake it 'til they make it - or try to, anyway. Maybe (they think) if we tell everyone that Biden is in the lead, they'll believe it and surrender to the inevitable! After all, the DNC has been convinced all along that enough progressives and other weak-minded recidivists (as they see it) will break as the election draws nearer and flock to the Biden banner.

From how they've behaved lately I think they've been getting pissed off by the strength and durability of the anti-Biden crowd. Nancy Pelosi thinks that protesters are Russian agents one day, Chinese agents the next. In either case she wants to sic the FBI onto them. Hillary Clinton is no doubt seething with rage. Perhaps just a bit of falsehood will be enough to speed up the process and get those childish and recalcitrant young voters/Moslems/African Americans to cease their caterwauling and fall obediently back in line.

I'm pretty sure that they're in for a disappointment, though. I've followed politics closely for about fifty years now, and I've never seen this level of rage directed at a candidate from their own prior supporters. The #GenocideJoe hashtag has caught fire, and many of the pro-Biden comments I see online seem like poorly-done shills.

It's an interesting situation. If I had to place odds on it, I'd say that Donald Trump is extremely likely to win. The wild card, of course, are third party candidates. Personally I don't see any of them other than Jill Stein as having much chance, since most of them simply don't have the necessary ballot access. I'm also quite sure that the Democrats will stop at virtually nothing to keep all third party candidates off the ballot. Even so, I'd bet good money (if I had any) that Biden will be soundly thrashed on Election Day.

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